
Si Barber

Vistors to King’s Lynn Mart, Norfolk,UK, 2020. This year was the 816th Mart since it weas started in 1204.

Si Barber

Vistors to King’s Lynn Mart, Norfolk,UK, 2020. This year was the 816th Mart since it weas started in 1204.


A classic and modified car enthusiasts event in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, UK


Villagers celebrating the Queen's Birthday in Great Moulton, Norfolk.

King's Lynn Mart 2018

King's Lynn Mart 2018


MIss Norfolk 2018, Louise Bennison on a store promotion.


Donald Trump and entourage of bodyguards entry for the Wells Next The Sea carnival in Norfolk, August 2017.

Remain voter Bren Goillon finishing a mural of the EU flag on his house watched by his dog Flint. The lumberjack from Helhoughton in Norfolk painted the flag to express his disappointment with the Referendum result and replaced one of the twelve stars with a tear. He was later asked to remove it by the council.


St Nicholas Tavern, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk,UK

USAAF Aircrew Murals

The remnants of murals left behind by USAAF aircrews in East Anglia during WW2. Review by the The Guardian


Alburgh Barley Queen, Jen Mead blessing a field of the crop in the hope of a good harvest, watched by the Rev Chris Sutton


Mummers recreating the legend of St George & the Dragon on St George’s Day, Downham Market, Norfolk. The dragon is played by the town's mayor, Frank Daymond, St George by Councillor David Sharman.

Si Barber

Vistors to King’s Lynn Mart, Norfolk,UK, 2020. This year was the 816th Mart since it weas started in 1204.

Si Barber

Vistors to King’s Lynn Mart, Norfolk,UK, 2020. This year was the 816th Mart since it weas started in 1204.


A room to rent, advertised in Russian, King's Lynn, Norfolk,UK


Punk with leather jacket bearing the words Kill Your Rapist.