
Members of the Spalding Lithuanian Society celebrating their annual Day Of The Restoration Of Independence with a picnic of traditional foods and the red, green and yellow colours of the Lithuanian flag.

Lithuania's independence began on 11th March 1990 when it officially rejected the rule of the USSR which had occupied its territories since 1944. Subsequently the day has become a celebration for Lithuanians around the world.

Amy Harrison, Dowager Flower Queen of Spalding, Lincolnshire, instructs her presumptive heirs on the duties and responsibilities of her role as a representative of the town and its civic duties. Pivotal to her role is representing the town at various events, including the Spalding Flower Parade which celebrates the area's heritage in flower bulb growing. Candidates for Flower Queen are selected through a pageant where they are judged on aspects of their personality, their community involvement, and how well they represent the town.

A mural of the Blessed Virgin cradling a bottle of beer on the rooftops of Boston, Lincolnshire.

The image appeared overnight, shortly after a vodka still situated on the edge of town exploded killing five Lithuanian men.