
Scooter Funeral

The funeral for scooter enthusiast Eamonn Payne making its way to the Mintlyn Crematorium, March 2018.

©Si Barber Moral Rights Asserted

A customised scooter illustrating a scene from Shakespeare's Henry 5th.

©Si Barber Moral Rights Asserted

A scooter commemorating the experiences of the owner's Grandfather in the Far East during World War 2.

Si Barber

A scooter detailed with an image of Nigel Farage, then leader of UKIP.

Scooter Funeral

The funeral for scooter enthusiast Eamonn Payne making its way to the Mintlyn Crematorium, March 2018.

Image by Si Barber

Closed shop on Norfolk Street, 2016.

©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.

A member of the King's Lynn Gladiators scooter club, 2015.

©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.

© Si Barber 07739 472 922 Mods and Skinheads at a meet up. The patches on their clothing describe the place that they have visited together.