Queens of Lesser Realms
Queen of Whitstable, Lauren Mackenzie accompanied by Princess Siobham Cutress.
"Please do not throw coins."
Queens of Lesser Realms
Introducing Mr Jeffry Billman, visitor to Wells carnival.
"Who would think this could be achieved in our little town? "
Queens of Lesser Realms
King of Wells, Henry Banham.
"Spraytanner. Probably one of the most memorable people you'll ever meet."
Queens of Lesser Realms
Princess of Somersham, Jessica Stancombe attended by Miss Carla Rea & Miss Ella Hudson.
"The Princess soon carried out the first of her official duties by awarding the winners of the Country Craft Competition. "
Queens of Lesser Realms
Princess of Grantham, Antonia Towning attended by Miss Jessica Smith & Miss Francesca Morley.
"Antoniaís face was a picture of surprise when her name was called out as Carnival Princess by ceremony compere Ross Garrigan."
Queens of Lesser Realms
Queen of Basildon & Pitsea, Gemma Bell attended by Princess Beth Louise Wilson & Princess Chloe Mason. "After the ribbon-cutting, carnival queen Gemma Bell, 15, and her two princesses Beth, 13, and Chloe, 12, delighted young patients when they dropped into the childrenís ward. And the visit had a special significance for the carnival trio, as Gemma and Beth want to become midwives, and Chloeís ambition is to be a paediatrician."
Queens of Lesser Realms
King of Dove Holes, Tom Green alights his carriage.
Age ñ 18 Favourite Food ñ Steak and Ale Pie Favourite Colour ñ Pink Current Job ñ Plastics Manufacturer for Fibralon Hobbies ñ Cricket As King I WouldÖ ñ Pass a law to make beer free for all! Favourite Music ñ Rock Music
Queens of Lesser Realms
Queen of Diss, Alice Cater.
"With a carnival dress and a tiara chosen from Every Cloud in Mere Street, and hair styled by Alastair from VAE Hair Salon in St Nicholas Street, Alice will look picture perfect as she rides in the parade, chauffeured for the day by entrepreneur Pete Gillings. "
Queens of Lesser Realms
The people of Newark await the arrival of Queen Aimee Bridgett.
"Amid a sea of colour, the air was full of music and expectant crowds lined the route as the floats passed by followed by scores of children on foot."
Queens of Lesser Realms
The coronation of Queen Aimee Bridgett of Newark.
" She comes to school with a smile on her face and is friendly and helpful."
Queens of Lesser Realms
Wassail Queen of Stamford Robina Hill.
"Old apple tree, we wassail thee, here's hope that you wilt bear for the Gods doth know where we shall be come apples another year.
For to bloom well and to bear well, so merry let us be. Let every man take off his hat & shout out to the old apple tree!"
Queens of Lesser Realms
Poppy Queen of Wirksworth, Saskia Maycock blessing the wells led by Warden Kevin Turville, escorted by Junior Queen Ella McCarthy, Princess Esther Abraham, Rosebud Natasha Kinder, Rosebud Holly Greatorex, Petal Princess Naomi Combellack, Petal Princess Molly Repton, Pageboy Paul Rigby, & Pageboy Will McCarthy.
"As we celebrate and give thanks today we pray that we may drink from the well of life giving water which you provide freely for all. Through our prayers and song, through the beauty of the well dressings and through connecting with others may we find our hope renewed, our faith restored and our lives transformed with the power of your Spirit."
Queens of Lesser Realms
Mayor of Ramsey, Huntingdonshire Ian Curtis leads the Strawbear towards the plough to bless the coming agricultural year in 2015.
"The children danced and danced almost to an exhausted state in the hope and expectation that the coming year would produce a bountiful harvest."
Queens of Lesser Realms
Queen of Wellingborough, Catherine Evans accompanied by Princess Sophie Evans, Princess Sinead Mitchell, Princess Lauren Clarke and Princess Ellie Todd.
"This is not a beauty contest and applicants will be selected on personality and their enthusiasm to be an ambassador for Wellingborough."
Queens of Lesser Realms
Queen of Moulton Chapel Tuliptime, Amber Bell attended by Princess Matilda Sexton & Princess Sadie Groom.
"Events will include a static display of a missile launch."
Queens of Lesser Realms
May Queen of Northwold, Tegan Wellard.
"Joining in the ancient tradition, with tea and cake on the lawns, families watched on as the children performed the traditional May Day dances they had been preparing in school."
Queens of Lesser Realms
Queen of Raunds, Katie Davies with Princess Natalya Brundenell, Princess Georgia Duncombe, Princess Cacherael Harvey.
"My beautiful sweet doughnut best friend."
Queens of Lesser Realms
Queen of Long Itchington, Warwickshire Elisha Thorne Bowmaster.
Queens of Lesser Realms
2014 Arthritis Gala Queen Shannon-Chelsey Kennady.
"You can choose to blame your circumstances on fate or bad luck or bad choices. Or you can fight back. Things arenít always going to be fair in the real world. Thatís just the way it is. But for the most part, you get what you give. The rest of your life is being shaped right now. With the dreams you chase, the choices you make, and the person you decide to be. The rest of your life is a long time. And the rest of your life starts right now."
Queens of Lesser Realms
Visiting Prince Patrick I Lohmann (Weisel, district of Rhein-Lahn, Rheinland-Palintinate, Deutschland), Miss Teen Suffolk, Emma Collingridge and Miss East Coast Curve, Natalie Moloney, presiding over Felixstowe carnival.
"You survived what you thought would kill you. Now straighten your crown and move forward like the queen you are."