

Mummers recreating the legend of St George & the Dragon on St George’s Day, Downham Market, Norfolk. The dragon is played by the town's mayor, Frank Daymond, St George by Councillor David Sharman.

©Si Barber Moral Rights Asserted

A customised scooter illustrating a scene from Shakespeare's Henry 5th.

©Si Barber Moral Rights Asserted

A scooter commemorating the experiences of the owner's Grandfather in the Far East during World War 2.

©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.

A member of the King's Lynn Gladiators scooter club, 2015.

©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.

© Si Barber 07739 472 922 Mods and Skinheads at a meet up. The patches on their clothing describe the place that they have visited together.