Graffiti on a disused agricultural building near Lolworth, Cambridgeshire. The structure, known as the Conington Barn was originally built by the route of the Via Devana - the Roman road which skirted the undrained Fens. The road subsequently became the A14. The barn enjoyed a secret life in the latter years of the 20th Century as a resting place for hitch-hikers going North, until the A14 became dualled and traffic speeds increased to the extent that it became impractical for vehicles to stop.
The barn was demolished as part of the A14 widening project in 2018.
- ← Picture of the Day: Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday service at St Michael's Church, Swaton, Lincolnshire, commemorating the arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey a few days before his arrest and crucifixion. Picture of the Day: St George & The Dragon → Mummers recreating the legend of St George & the Dragon on St George’s Day, Downham Market, Norfolk. The dragon is played by the town's mayor, Frank Daymond, St George by Councillor David Sharman.