©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
A fishing boat that has sunk whilst in Kings Lynn harbour . The boat may be refloated at low tide if the holes can be fixed and the water pumped out.
?Si Barber/07739 472 922 Bed & Breakfast vacancies.
?Si Barber/07739 472 922 Bed & Breakfast vacancies.
©Si Barber Moral rights asserted
The Woolpack in Terrington St Clement, Norfolk, UK. Many pubs have closed recently due to the smoking ban and the credit crunch.
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
The Jolly Farmers in Kings Lynn, Norfolk, UK. Many pubs have closed recently due to the smoking ban and the credit crunch.
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
COLLECT ? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Abadoned horses awaiting rescue by the Redwing charity. The animals were found in Downham Market, Norfolk.
?Si Barber
COLLECT ? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Abadoned horses awaiting rescue by the Redwing charity. The animals were found in Downham Market, Norfolk.
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
Dead trees in Thornham, Norfolk UK. The trees died when the sea level rose and encroached onto the land.
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
Dead trees in Thornham, Norfolk UK. The trees died when the sea level rose and encroached onto the land.
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
Dead trees in Thornham, Norfolk UK. The trees died when the sea level rose and encroached onto the land.
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
Dead trees in Thornham, Norfolk UK. The trees died when the sea level rose and encroached onto the land.
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
Dead trees in Thornham, Norfolk UK. The trees died when the sea level rose and encroached onto the land.
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
?Si Barber/07739 472 922 Flooding at Welney, Norfolk
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
PHOTOGRAPHER - Si Barber 07739 472 922 PCSO Nic Kegge practising the Kuk Sool Won martial art. The Suffolk officer ?has been awarded Black Belt of the Year by his club. Kegge who is a member of the Mid Suffolk North safer neighbourhood team has studied Kuk Sool Won at the same club since he was twelve and has travelled all over the world to compete. Kuk Sool Won, which can be translated as Korean National Martial Arts Association, is a systematic study of all the traditional fighting arts, which together comprise the martial arts history of the Korean nation.? The award?is given out yearly to the black belt who has contributed most to the club during the year and brings with it the responsibility of passing the skills onto younger members .? PC Kegge says many of the skill required by the sport can be useful in day to day life and to society as a whole. Nic says??I have competed in several competitions during the years at the club and have travelled to Korea, America and Spain in order to do this. I believe that being a part of a club such as this is a good idea for any person as it helps with self-confidence, fitness and also teaches respect ?from a young age.?
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
PHOTOGRAPHER - Si Barber 07739 472 922 PCSO Nic Kegge practising the Kuk Sool Won martial art. The Suffolk officer ?has been awarded Black Belt of the Year by his club. Kegge who is a member of the Mid Suffolk North safer neighbourhood team has studied Kuk Sool Won at the same club since he was twelve and has travelled all over the world to compete. Kuk Sool Won, which can be translated as Korean National Martial Arts Association, is a systematic study of all the traditional fighting arts, which together comprise the martial arts history of the Korean nation.? The award?is given out yearly to the black belt who has contributed most to the club during the year and brings with it the responsibility of passing the skills onto younger members .? PC Kegge says many of the skill required by the sport can be useful in day to day life and to society as a whole. Nic says??I have competed in several competitions during the years at the club and have travelled to Korea, America and Spain in order to do this. I believe that being a part of a club such as this is a good idea for any person as it helps with self-confidence, fitness and also teaches respect ?from a young age.?
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
PHOTOGRAPHER - Si Barber 07739 472 922 PCSO Nic Kegge practising the Kuk Sool Won martial art. The Suffolk officer ?has been awarded Black Belt of the Year by his club. Kegge who is a member of the Mid Suffolk North safer neighbourhood team has studied Kuk Sool Won at the same club since he was twelve and has travelled all over the world to compete. Kuk Sool Won, which can be translated as Korean National Martial Arts Association, is a systematic study of all the traditional fighting arts, which together comprise the martial arts history of the Korean nation.? The award?is given out yearly to the black belt who has contributed most to the club during the year and brings with it the responsibility of passing the skills onto younger members .? PC Kegge says many of the skill required by the sport can be useful in day to day life and to society as a whole. Nic says??I have competed in several competitions during the years at the club and have travelled to Korea, America and Spain in order to do this. I believe that being a part of a club such as this is a good idea for any person as it helps with self-confidence, fitness and also teaches respect ?from a young age.?
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
PHOTOGRAPHER - Si Barber 07739 472 922 PCSO Nic Kegge practising the Kuk Sool Won martial art. The Suffolk officer ?has been awarded Black Belt of the Year by his club. Kegge who is a member of the Mid Suffolk North safer neighbourhood team has studied Kuk Sool Won at the same club since he was twelve and has travelled all over the world to compete. Kuk Sool Won, which can be translated as Korean National Martial Arts Association, is a systematic study of all the traditional fighting arts, which together comprise the martial arts history of the Korean nation.? The award?is given out yearly to the black belt who has contributed most to the club during the year and brings with it the responsibility of passing the skills onto younger members .? PC Kegge says many of the skill required by the sport can be useful in day to day life and to society as a whole. Nic says??I have competed in several competitions during the years at the club and have travelled to Korea, America and Spain in order to do this. I believe that being a part of a club such as this is a good idea for any person as it helps with self-confidence, fitness and also teaches respect ?from a young age.?
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
A woman who is squatting a property due to the unaffordability of housing
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
PHOTOGRAPHER - Si Barber 07739 472 922
HMP Whitemoor in March, Cambs. The category 'A' prison incarcerates some of the UK's most dangerous men, including those convicted of serial murder and terrorist offences.
PHOTOGRAPHER - Si Barber 07739 472 922
HMP Whitemoor in March, Cambs. The category 'A' prison incarcerates some of the UK's most dangerous men, including those convicted of serial murder and terrorist offences.