©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
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Boughton was originally a monastic building but Sir Edward Montagu, Lord Chief Justice to King Henry VIII, purchased it in 1528 just prior to the Dissolution of the Monasteries and began to convert it into a mansion. Most of the present building is the work of Ralph Montagu, 1st Duke of Montagu. Montagu was a former English ambassador to France, and Boughton House shows strong French architectural influences. His son, John Montagu, 2nd Duke of Montagu, made little alteration to the House, but made sweeping changes to the landscape and gardens after his return from campaign in Europe with his father-in-law, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Following the death of George, 3rd Duke of Montagu, in 1790, the house passed, through the marriage of his daughter, Elizabeth, to Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, 5th Duke of Queensberry. They were and remain a Scottish family and own several other country houses. It was little used or altered from the mid 18th century, but was well cared for. Because of this it has some of the best preserved baroque state rooms in the British Isles.
architect architecture aristicratic aristocracy baroque boughton canal canalisation class dead east english estate front garden home house nobility noble north northampton northamptonshire orpheus project reach stately surveying surveyor versaille water west
Boughton was originally a monastic building but Sir Edward Montagu, Lord Chief Justice to King Henry VIII, purchased it in 1528 just prior to the Dissolution of the Monasteries and began to convert it into a mansion. Most of the present building is the work of Ralph Montagu, 1st Duke of Montagu. Montagu was a former English ambassador to France, and Boughton House shows strong French architectural influences. His son, John Montagu, 2nd Duke of Montagu, made little alteration to the House, but made sweeping changes to the landscape and gardens after his return from campaign in Europe with his father-in-law, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Following the death of George, 3rd Duke of Montagu, in 1790, the house passed, through the marriage of his daughter, Elizabeth, to Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, 5th Duke of Queensberry. They were and remain a Scottish family and own several other country houses. It was little used or altered from the mid 18th century, but was well cared for. Because of this it has some of the best preserved baroque state rooms in the British Isles.
architect architecture aristicratic aristocracy baroque boughton canal canalisation class dead east english estate front garden home house nobility noble north northampton northamptonshire orpheus project reach stately surveying surveyor versaille water west
Boughton was originally a monastic building but Sir Edward Montagu, Lord Chief Justice to King Henry VIII, purchased it in 1528 just prior to the Dissolution of the Monasteries and began to convert it into a mansion. Most of the present building is the work of Ralph Montagu, 1st Duke of Montagu. Montagu was a former English ambassador to France, and Boughton House shows strong French architectural influences. His son, John Montagu, 2nd Duke of Montagu, made little alteration to the House, but made sweeping changes to the landscape and gardens after his return from campaign in Europe with his father-in-law, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Following the death of George, 3rd Duke of Montagu, in 1790, the house passed, through the marriage of his daughter, Elizabeth, to Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, 5th Duke of Queensberry. They were and remain a Scottish family and own several other country houses. It was little used or altered from the mid 18th century, but was well cared for. Because of this it has some of the best preserved baroque state rooms in the British Isles.
architect architecture aristicratic aristocracy baroque boughton canal canalisation class dead east english estate front garden home house nobility noble north northampton northamptonshire orpheus project reach stately surveying surveyor versaille water west
Boughton was originally a monastic building but Sir Edward Montagu, Lord Chief Justice to King Henry VIII, purchased it in 1528 just prior to the Dissolution of the Monasteries and began to convert it into a mansion. Most of the present building is the work of Ralph Montagu, 1st Duke of Montagu. Montagu was a former English ambassador to France, and Boughton House shows strong French architectural influences. His son, John Montagu, 2nd Duke of Montagu, made little alteration to the House, but made sweeping changes to the landscape and gardens after his return from campaign in Europe with his father-in-law, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Following the death of George, 3rd Duke of Montagu, in 1790, the house passed, through the marriage of his daughter, Elizabeth, to Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, 5th Duke of Queensberry. They were and remain a Scottish family and own several other country houses. It was little used or altered from the mid 18th century, but was well cared for. Because of this it has some of the best preserved baroque state rooms in the British Isles.
architect architecture aristicratic aristocracy baroque boughton canal canalisation class dead east english estate front garden home house nobility noble north northampton northamptonshire orpheus project reach stately surveying surveyor versaille water west
Boughton was originally a monastic building but Sir Edward Montagu, Lord Chief Justice to King Henry VIII, purchased it in 1528 just prior to the Dissolution of the Monasteries and began to convert it into a mansion. Most of the present building is the work of Ralph Montagu, 1st Duke of Montagu. Montagu was a former English ambassador to France, and Boughton House shows strong French architectural influences. His son, John Montagu, 2nd Duke of Montagu, made little alteration to the House, but made sweeping changes to the landscape and gardens after his return from campaign in Europe with his father-in-law, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Following the death of George, 3rd Duke of Montagu, in 1790, the house passed, through the marriage of his daughter, Elizabeth, to Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, 5th Duke of Queensberry. They were and remain a Scottish family and own several other country houses. It was little used or altered from the mid 18th century, but was well cared for. Because of this it has some of the best preserved baroque state rooms in the British Isles.
architect architecture aristicratic aristocracy baroque boughton canal canalisation class dead east english estate front garden home house nobility noble north northampton northamptonshire orpheus project reach stately surveying surveyor versaille water west
Boughton was originally a monastic building but Sir Edward Montagu, Lord Chief Justice to King Henry VIII, purchased it in 1528 just prior to the Dissolution of the Monasteries and began to convert it into a mansion. Most of the present building is the work of Ralph Montagu, 1st Duke of Montagu. Montagu was a former English ambassador to France, and Boughton House shows strong French architectural influences. His son, John Montagu, 2nd Duke of Montagu, made little alteration to the House, but made sweeping changes to the landscape and gardens after his return from campaign in Europe with his father-in-law, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Following the death of George, 3rd Duke of Montagu, in 1790, the house passed, through the marriage of his daughter, Elizabeth, to Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, 5th Duke of Queensberry. They were and remain a Scottish family and own several other country houses. It was little used or altered from the mid 18th century, but was well cared for. Because of this it has some of the best preserved baroque state rooms in the British Isles.
architect architecture aristicratic aristocracy baroque boughton canal canalisation class dead east english estate front garden home house nobility noble north northampton northamptonshire orpheus project reach stately surveying surveyor versaille water west
Boughton was originally a monastic building but Sir Edward Montagu, Lord Chief Justice to King Henry VIII, purchased it in 1528 just prior to the Dissolution of the Monasteries and began to convert it into a mansion. Most of the present building is the work of Ralph Montagu, 1st Duke of Montagu. Montagu was a former English ambassador to France, and Boughton House shows strong French architectural influences. His son, John Montagu, 2nd Duke of Montagu, made little alteration to the House, but made sweeping changes to the landscape and gardens after his return from campaign in Europe with his father-in-law, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Following the death of George, 3rd Duke of Montagu, in 1790, the house passed, through the marriage of his daughter, Elizabeth, to Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, 5th Duke of Queensberry. They were and remain a Scottish family and own several other country houses. It was little used or altered from the mid 18th century, but was well cared for. Because of this it has some of the best preserved baroque state rooms in the British Isles.
architect architecture aristicratic aristocracy baroque boughton canal canalisation class dead east english estate front garden home house nobility noble north northampton northamptonshire orpheus project reach stately surveying surveyor versaille water west
Boughton was originally a monastic building but Sir Edward Montagu, Lord Chief Justice to King Henry VIII, purchased it in 1528 just prior to the Dissolution of the Monasteries and began to convert it into a mansion. Most of the present building is the work of Ralph Montagu, 1st Duke of Montagu. Montagu was a former English ambassador to France, and Boughton House shows strong French architectural influences. His son, John Montagu, 2nd Duke of Montagu, made little alteration to the House, but made sweeping changes to the landscape and gardens after his return from campaign in Europe with his father-in-law, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Following the death of George, 3rd Duke of Montagu, in 1790, the house passed, through the marriage of his daughter, Elizabeth, to Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, 5th Duke of Queensberry. They were and remain a Scottish family and own several other country houses. It was little used or altered from the mid 18th century, but was well cared for. Because of this it has some of the best preserved baroque state rooms in the British Isles.
architect architecture aristicratic aristocracy baroque boughton canal canalisation class dead east english estate front garden home house nobility noble north northampton northamptonshire orpheus project reach stately surveying surveyor versaille water west
Boughton was originally a monastic building but Sir Edward Montagu, Lord Chief Justice to King Henry VIII, purchased it in 1528 just prior to the Dissolution of the Monasteries and began to convert it into a mansion. Most of the present building is the work of Ralph Montagu, 1st Duke of Montagu. Montagu was a former English ambassador to France, and Boughton House shows strong French architectural influences. His son, John Montagu, 2nd Duke of Montagu, made little alteration to the House, but made sweeping changes to the landscape and gardens after his return from campaign in Europe with his father-in-law, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Following the death of George, 3rd Duke of Montagu, in 1790, the house passed, through the marriage of his daughter, Elizabeth, to Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, 5th Duke of Queensberry. They were and remain a Scottish family and own several other country houses. It was little used or altered from the mid 18th century, but was well cared for. Because of this it has some of the best preserved baroque state rooms in the British Isles.
architect architecture aristicratic aristocracy baroque boughton canal canalisation class dead east english estate front garden home house nobility noble north northampton northamptonshire orpheus project reach stately surveying surveyor versaille water west
Boughton was originally a monastic building but Sir Edward Montagu, Lord Chief Justice to King Henry VIII, purchased it in 1528 just prior to the Dissolution of the Monasteries and began to convert it into a mansion. Most of the present building is the work of Ralph Montagu, 1st Duke of Montagu. Montagu was a former English ambassador to France, and Boughton House shows strong French architectural influences. His son, John Montagu, 2nd Duke of Montagu, made little alteration to the House, but made sweeping changes to the landscape and gardens after his return from campaign in Europe with his father-in-law, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Following the death of George, 3rd Duke of Montagu, in 1790, the house passed, through the marriage of his daughter, Elizabeth, to Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch, 5th Duke of Queensberry. They were and remain a Scottish family and own several other country houses. It was little used or altered from the mid 18th century, but was well cared for. Because of this it has some of the best preserved baroque state rooms in the British Isles.
architect architecture aristicratic aristocracy baroque boughton canal canalisation class dead east english estate front garden home house nobility noble north northampton northamptonshire orpheus project reach stately surveying surveyor versaille water west
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Cambridge constabulary, firefighters and emergency services conducting an exercise of dealing with a chemical accident and spillage. Picture shows: Firefighter with hose.
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The B1040 road in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire closed due to flooding.
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? Si Barber 07739 472 922 A farmer in Cambridgeshire walks in a field a carrots which have become undernourished due to the absence of rain. The county is now officially under a drought, having experienced the driest spring since records began.10th June 2011
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