Anti Catholic demonstrations at Walsingham Shrine, Norfolk,UK on 31st May 2023, the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgi…
Rooftop graffiti depicting the Virgin Mary cradling a bottle of beer in Boston Lincolnshire, UK. apparently representing the depen…
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted
Graffiti depicting the Virgin Mary cradling a bottle of alcohol in Spalding, Lincolnshire, UK. apparently respresenting the depend…
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted
Rooftop graffiti depicting the Virgin Mary cradling a bottle of alcohol in Spalding, Lincolnshire, UK. apparently representing the…
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Graffiti depicting the Virgin Mary cradling a bottle of alcohol in Spalding, Lincolnshire, UK. apparentl…
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Scenes around Lourdes in Southern France.
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Scenes around Lourdes in Southern France.
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Scenes around Lourdes in Southern France.