Konstantin Sasmurin Linus Ratautas Slavery Conviction
3 Crittens Road, Cobholm, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, UK. The house was used by Konstantin Sasmurin, and Linus Ratautas to keep two men captive as slaves.
3 Crittens Road, Cobholm, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, UK. The house was used by Konstantin Sasmurin, and Linus Ratautas to keep two men captive as slaves.
human konstantin konstantin sasmurin linus ratautas modern day slavery linus ratautas sasmurin traffickers trafficking
3 Crittens Road, Cobholm, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, UK. The house was used by Konstantin Sasmurin, and Linus Ratautas to keep two men captive as slaves.
human konstantin konstantin sasmurin linus ratautas modern day slavery linus ratautas sasmurin traffickers trafficking
3 Crittens Road, Cobholm, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, UK. The house was used by Konstantin Sasmurin, and Linus Ratautas to keep two men captive as slaves.
human konstantin konstantin sasmurin linus ratautas modern day slavery linus ratautas sasmurin traffickers trafficking
3 Crittens Road, Cobholm, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, UK. The house was used by Konstantin Sasmurin, and Linus Ratautas to keep two men captive as slaves.
human konstantin konstantin sasmurin linus ratautas modern day slavery linus ratautas sasmurin traffickers trafficking
3 Crittens Road, Cobholm, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, UK. The house was used by Konstantin Sasmurin, and Linus Ratautas to keep two men captive as slaves.
human konstantin konstantin sasmurin linus ratautas modern day slavery linus ratautas sasmurin traffickers trafficking
3 Crittens Road, Cobholm, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, UK. The house was used by Konstantin Sasmurin, and Linus Ratautas to keep two men captive as slaves.
human konstantin konstantin sasmurin linus ratautas modern day slavery linus ratautas sasmurin traffickers trafficking
3 Crittens Road, Cobholm, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, UK. The house was used by Konstantin Sasmurin, and Linus Ratautas to keep two men captive as slaves.
human konstantin konstantin sasmurin linus ratautas modern day slavery linus ratautas sasmurin traffickers trafficking
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
Police officers and representatives from the HMRC conducting raids on local car wash business where employees were found to be working ten hours a day for half the minimum wage and living in 'Dickensian' conditions. Five men and one woman, all of Romanian origin, were taken into voluntary protective custody in the form of the National Referral Mechanism - a Governmental framework for identifying victims of human trafficking and ensuring they receive the appropriate protection and support.
east european exploitation gangmaster human immigrants immigration labour modern slavery traffickers trafficking
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
Police officers and representatives from the HMRC conducting raids on local car wash business where employees were found to be working ten hours a day for half the minimum wage and living in 'Dickensian' conditions. Five men and one woman, all of Romanian origin, were taken into voluntary protective custody in the form of the National Referral Mechanism - a Governmental framework for identifying victims of human trafficking and ensuring they receive the appropriate protection and support.
east european exploitation gangmaster human immigrants immigration labour modern slavery traffickers trafficking
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
Police officers and representatives from the HMRC conducting raids on local car wash business where employees were found to be working ten hours a day for half the minimum wage and living in 'Dickensian' conditions. Five men and one woman, all of Romanian origin, were taken into voluntary protective custody in the form of the National Referral Mechanism - a Governmental framework for identifying victims of human trafficking and ensuring they receive the appropriate protection and support.
east european exploitation gangmaster human immigrants immigration labour modern slavery traffickers trafficking
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
Police officers and representatives from the HMRC conducting raids on local car wash business where employees were found to be working ten hours a day for half the minimum wage and living in 'Dickensian' conditions. Five men and one woman, all of Romanian origin, were taken into voluntary protective custody in the form of the National Referral Mechanism - a Governmental framework for identifying victims of human trafficking and ensuring they receive the appropriate protection and support.
east european exploitation gangmaster human immigrants immigration labour modern slavery traffickers trafficking
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
Police officers and representatives from the HMRC conducting raids on local car wash business where employees were found to be working ten hours a day for half the minimum wage and living in 'Dickensian' conditions. Five men and one woman, all of Romanian origin, were taken into voluntary protective custody in the form of the National Referral Mechanism - a Governmental framework for identifying victims of human trafficking and ensuring they receive the appropriate protection and support.
east european exploitation gangmaster human immigrants immigration labour modern slavery traffickers trafficking
Advert on a public toilet wall for a teenage prostitute.
advert advertisement advertising child pimp pimped pimping prostitute prostitution sex soliciting trafficked trafficking work worker
Young girl working as a prostitute at Kings Cross station, London,UK.
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