Share Content Published October 31, 2006 ©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted. Pic by Si Barber - 07739 472 922 Cook manager Clair Legge with Charles & Grace at Middleton Primary, Kings Lynn, Norfolk preparing the first ever meal to be made on the school premises in a newly installed porta-kitchen . Norfolk County Council is trying to end the system whereby 6000 meals are made daily at a central point and transported around the rural county. From today schools will have the opportunity to take advantage the initiative that aims to put a mobile kitchen in every establishment and improve the nutritional standard of meals. 311006. children cookery ladies. learning skills with dinner
Share Content Published October 31, 2006 ©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted. Pic by Si Barber - 07739 472 922 Cook manager Clair Legge with Daniella & Grace, Harrison and Charles at Middleton Primary, Kings Lynn, Norfolk preparing the first ever meal to be made on the school premises in a newly installed porta-kitchen . Norfolk County Council is trying to end the system whereby 6000 meals are made daily at a central point and transported around the rural county. From today schools will have the opportunity to take advantage the initiative that aims to put a mobile kitchen in every establishment and improve the nutritional standard of meals. 311006. children cookery ladies. learning skills with dinner