Si Barber
Soham Pumpkin Fair, Cambridgeshire, 2021
An official at the 43rd Soham Pumpkin Fair guards the winning entry which weighed in at 408 kgs and was grown by a Mr John Richardson of Chatteris, Cambs.
2018 allotment annual autumn cambridgeshire community competition costume dress eccentric english entrants event fair fancy fruit growing growth harvest health hi measure measuring pumpkin safety soham vegetables vis visibility weigh weigh in weighing
Jill & Hob ferrets (male & female) at the Soham Pumpkin Fair. The species of polecat were traditionally used for hunting rabbit, but are now mostly kept as pets.
2018 allotment annual autumn cambridgeshire community competition costume dress eccentric english englsih entrants event fair fancy ferret ferrets fruit growing growth grwoing harvest health hi hob in jill measure measuring pumpkin safety soham vegetables vis visibility weigh weigh in weighing