Masjid Ghousia Mosque on the corner of English Street, Peterborough, UK.
© Si Barber 07739 472 922 Tombola stall at a fete
© Si Barber 07739 472 922 Soham Pumpkin Fair & vegetable show 2015.
Soham Pumpkin Fair & vegetable show 2015.
© Si Barber 07739 472 922 Advert for HGV drivers in both Polish and English at a lorry depot, Spalding,Lincolnshire.
An official at the 43rd Soham Pumpkin Fair guards the winning entry which weighed in at 408 kgs and was grown by a Mr John Richard…
Jill & Hob ferrets (male & female) at the Soham Pumpkin Fair. The species of polecat were traditionally used for hunting rabbit, b…
Fancy dress competition entrants at the 43rd Soham Pumpkin Fair 2018.
Judges measuring for the tallest sunflower at the 43rd Soham Pumpkin Fair 2018.
Prize winning vegetables on show at the 43rd Soham Pumpkin Fair 2018.
Signs dividing pumpkins into categories at the 43rd Soham Pumpkin Fair 2018.
A local grower lays out pumpkins for sale at the 43rd Soham Pumpkin Fair.
Soham Pumpkin Fair 2018. The pumpkins are divided into catergories and classified.
A boy inspects an entry at the 43rd Soham Pumpkin Fair, grown Mr John Richardson of Chatteris with a weight of 408kg
A forklift is used to lift pumpkins for weighing before judges at the 43rd Soham Pumpkin Fair, Cambs.