Ipswich in Suffolk, UK, the day before the Covid 19 Lockdown which begins 5th November 2020. Picture shows: Owner of Coe's Departm…
Ipswich in Suffolk, UK, the day before the Covid 19 Lockdown which begins 5th November 2020. Picture shows: Owner of Coe's Departm…
Ipswich in Suffolk, UK, the day before the Covid 19 Lockdown which begins 5th November 2020. Picture shows: Owner of Coe's Departm…
Ipswich in Suffolk, UK, the day before the Covid 19 Lockdown which begins 5th November 2020. Picture shows: Owner of Coe's Departm…
Ipswich in Suffolk, UK, the day before the Covid 19 Lockdown which begins 5th November 2020. Picture shows: Owner of Coe's Departm…
Ipswich in Suffolk, UK, the day before the Covid 19 Lockdown which begins 5th November 2020. Picture shows: Exterior of Coe's Depa…
Ipswich in Suffolk, UK, the day before the Covid 19 Lockdown which begins 5th November 2020. Picture shows: Norwich Road.
Ipswich in Suffolk, UK, the day before the Covid 19 Lockdown which begins 5th November 2020. Picture shows: Interior of coes Depa…
Ipswich in Suffolk, UK, the day before the Covid 19 Lockdown which begins 5th November 2020. Picture shows: Interior of coes Depar…
Ipswich in Suffolk, UK, the day before the Covid 19 Lockdown which begins 5th November 2020. Picture shows: Norwich Road.
Ipswich in Suffolk, UK, the day before the Covid 19 Lockdown which begins 5th November 2020. Picture shows: General view of shoppi…
Si Barber
A young man has an interaction with the police by the Penny Falls, 2020.
Si Barber
Final ride of The Mart, 2014.
Kings Lynn Mart 2013
The controller of the Waltzers, 2013.
The beadles of King's Lynn protecting the Mart from 'malcontents and troublemakers' at the opening ceremony in 2016.
Si Barber
A barker, or more latterly 'ride supervisor' observes the operation of the Waltzers, 2020.
King's Lynn Mart 2019
A couple sit by Albert Evans' Atmosphere Creator at the 2019 King's Lynn Mart. The ride is an update of the Waltzer, but much fas…
KIng's Lynn Mart 2018
Riding the Tagada, 2018. A relatively modern, and controversial ride, which has been blamed for a number injuries as the riders ar…
Kings Lynn Mart 2017
Hang on to the bar for two minutes to win £20.00, 2017.
A young woman holds a husky pup by the rides, 2016.
Kings Lynn Mart 2015
Two friends playing Ring-Toss for prizes including 200 Silk Cut cigarettes and a bottle of vodka, 2015.