Mandatory Credit: ? Si Barber/07739 472 922 Dan Twiddy - Iraq war veteran at home in Stamford, Lincs.
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Hand turning on tap
Tourists feeding pigeons in LOndon's Trafalgar Square in the 1990s.
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Tourists feeding pigeons in LOndon's Trafalgar Square in the 1990s.
Pub Landlord at the High Force Hotel, Teesdale, North Yorkshire
Police patrolling in a tractor to deter rural crime. Picture shows a security identifier on a tractor.
Police patrolling in a tractor to deter rural crime.
Mandatory Credit: ? Si Barber/07739 472 922 A breakdown truck towing untaxed or uninsured cars of the road
Pic ? Si Barber - 07739 472 922 Cars confiscated by the police being towed away.